Sunday, June 19, 2005

Commission on Macroeconomics and Health :: Description

Commission on Macroeconomics and Health :: Description

The Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH) was launched by WHO Director-General Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland in January 2000. Over a two-year period, the Commission will analyze the impact of health on development and examine the appropriate modalities through which health related investments could have a positive impact on economic growth and equity in developing countries. It will recommend a set of measures designed to maximize the poverty reduction and economic development benefits of health sector investment.

The Purpose of the Commission:

The purpose of the Commission is to analyze the impact of health on development and to produce reports and scholarly studies on health-related interventions and their impact on economic growth and equity in developing countries. The Commission will recommend a set of health measures to minimize poverty and maximize economic development in these countries. The CMH will consolidate its findings into a final report for dissemination to the international development community and to Ministers of Health at the 2002 World Health Assembly. (more)


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